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Rt.05 - Fort Defiance / Gallup |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Fort Defiance, Arizona to Gallup, New Mexico and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 5:25 am - 7:55 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
Rt.06 - Navajo / Gallup |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Navajo, New Mexico to Gallup, New Mexico and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 6:55 am - 6:15 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
Rt.08 - Chinle / Burnside / Tsaile |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Chinle, Arizona to Tsaile, Arizona and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 6:00 am - 6:45 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
Rt.09 - Dilkon / Fort Defiance |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Dilkon, Arizona to Fort Defiance, Arizona and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 5:10 am - 7:20 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
Rt.10 - Pinon / Steamboat / Fort Defiance |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Pinon, Arizona to Fort Defiance, Arizona and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 6:00 am - 6:18 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
Rt.14 - Shiprock / Fort Defiance |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Shiprock, New Mexico to Fort Defiance, Arizona and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 5:16 am - 7:35 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
Rt.15 - Sanders / Window Rock |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Houck, Arizona to Fort Defiance, Arizona and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 5:50 am - 6:45 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
Rt.18 - Naschitti / Shiprock / Farmington |
- In Service Monday thru Friday.
- Departs from Naschitti, New Mexico to Farmington, New Mexico and return.
- Regular Weekday Service: 5:40 am - 6:25 pm
- No Service on Weekends & Holidays.
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